
When Robots Till the Land

By 2050 the world will have 10 billion people. Farming and nutrition will need to change dramatically to satisfy everyone’s hunger.

Porsche Consulting

Pioneers on New Paths

Mobility is undergoing radical change, both on Earth and in outer space. How innovative entrepreneurs and scientists are seeking to shape it.

Porsche Consulting

Self-Running Factories

Every wish a command: Production lines of the future will turn out unique items—individually tailored to the wishes of their customers.

Chris Zielecki / Stocksy

The Digital Pacesetters

Aspiring innovators also have to be high achievers. And can never stop learning. The best of them have internalized these principles—and reinvent themselves on an ongoing basis.

Porsche Consulting

High Tech for a Better World

New technologies only make sense if they can improve people's lives.

Digital Magazine

New Hope for Cancer Patients

Around one hun­dred sci­en­tists, entre­pre­neurs, doc­tors, and con­sul­tants in south­west­ern Ger­many want to rev­o­lu­tion­ize the treat­ment of can­cer with cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy. They are using the world’s most mod­ern x‑ray robot­ics for high-res­o­lu­tion imagery as well as robot assis­tants that can posi­tion biop­sy nee­dles in just a few minutes—as opposed to the half an hour need­ed by expe­ri­enced physi­cians. “Instead of being a ter­mi­nal dis­ease, can­cer could become a chron­ic ill­ness,” says Pro­fes­sor Ste­fan Schön­berg, Direc­tor of the Insti­tute of Clin­i­cal Radi­ol­o­gy and Nuclear Med­i­cine at Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical Cen­ter Mannheim, in sum­ma­riz­ing the aim of the project.

A 360-degree view of the central site: All results flow to the “M2OLIE” intervention room at University Medical Center Mannheim. Photo: Porsche Consulting
Robots can help position biopsy needles faster for tissue samples. Photo: Porsche Consulting
High-tech in the OR: The world’s most advanced x-ray robot scans bodies millimeter by millimeter.Photo: Porsche Consulting
Hand in hand: This interdisciplinary project shows how robots and people can work together.Photo: Porsche Consulting
Cutting-edge diagnostics: How people and technology can work together in the OR in the best possible way. Video: Porsche Consulting

The project with Porsche Consulting

Porsche Consulting has collaborated on more than 150 projects with hospitals. At Mannheim’s M²OLIE research campus, digital technology is expected to reduce treatment turnover time from days to a few hours. The Porsche consultants are identifying use cases, namely,

specific opportunities to employ software-based solutions. One example is a digital planning tool that can illustrate and interlink all patient-based processes. Artificial intelligence will optimize procedures and shorten waiting times.

How Bosch Shows That Diversity and Commitment Pay Off

Bosch is diverse. More than 410,000 men and women from 150 coun­tries work at the corporation’s 460 loca­tions around the world. Because it was one of the first to sign Germany’s diver­si­ty char­ter in 2007, the com­pa­ny is con­sid­ered a leader in bring­ing peo­ple with dif­fer­ent ori­gins, inter­ests, and expe­ri­ences togeth­er on an equal basis. Despite this, says Bosch’s Head of Diver­si­ty Hei­di Stock, it doesn’t hap­pen on its own. “Diver­si­ty is hard work,” she says. But “every day we learn a lit­tle more.”

Heidi Stock, Head of Diversity at Bosch, promotes networkingPhoto: Porsche Consulting

I’m convinced that appreciation and openness can make a substantial contribution to the success of every company.

Heidi Stock
Head of Diversity, Bosch

Hei­di Stock is con­vinced that her com­pa­ny can prof­it from diver­si­ty. An excel­lent exam­ple is the top-sell­ing IXO cord­less elec­tric screw­driv­er, the idea for which arose dur­ing a con­ver­sa­tion between a female mar­ket­ing direc­tor and a male engi­neer. In a com­pa­ny with hier­ar­chi­cal struc­tures, the two would have had hard­ly any points of con­tact. But Bosch is pro­mot­ing tar­get­ed new models—for its lead­er­ship per­son­nel as well. Before 2011 its man­agers viewed home-office options with skep­ti­cism. But then they test­ed these them­selves. At the end of the project, 80 per­cent decid­ed to con­tin­ue work­ing on a flex­i­ble basis.

The project with Porsche Consulting

To make hiring procedures as objective as possible, Heidi Stock worked together with Porsche Consulting to introduce what are known as nudges. These subtle cues promote better decisions on the part of HR experts and managers. For example, job interviews are preferably held in the morning—

because earlier in the day, people tend to be less susceptible to emotional predilections. A maximum of two interviewers are present, to minimize mutual influence. Algorithms can also help—for instance, to check whether job ads have a more feminine or masculine orientation.

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