
When Robots Till the Land

By 2050 the world will have 10 billion people. Farming and nutrition will need to change dramatically to satisfy everyone’s hunger.

Porsche Consulting

Pioneers on New Paths

Mobility is undergoing radical change, both on Earth and in outer space. How innovative entrepreneurs and scientists are seeking to shape it.

Porsche Consulting

Self-Running Factories

Every wish a command: Production lines of the future will turn out unique items—individually tailored to the wishes of their customers.

Chris Zielecki / Stocksy

The Digital Pacesetters

Aspiring innovators also have to be high achievers. And can never stop learning. The best of them have internalized these principles—and reinvent themselves on an ongoing basis.

Porsche Consulting

High Tech for a Better World

New technologies only make sense if they can improve people's lives.

Digital Magazine

Coroplast: On the Path to High Performance

The dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion is forc­ing com­pa­nies to change how they think. That applies even to a suc­cess­ful auto­mo­tive sup­pli­er like Coro­plast, a fam­i­ly-run com­pa­ny that spe­cial­izes in elec­tri­cal wires and har­ness­es along with the tech­ni­cal adhe­sive tapes to pro­tect them. With its high-volt­age wiring that will be used in elec­tric cars, the com­pa­ny has laid a superb foun­da­tion for future sales. But Natal­ie Mekel­burg­er, who became Chair­woman of the Board of Man­age­ment in 2006, believes she still needs to encour­age change—because new com­peti­tors are enter­ing the mar­ket and unit vol­umes per order are like­ly to decline.

She has achieved good results over the past decade. But Coroplast CEO Natalie Mekelburger still sees the need to change her company.Photo: Porsche Consulting

The new structure will increase our flexibility, enhance our ability to innovate, and intensify customer relationships.

Natalie Mekelburger
Chairwoman of the Board of Management, Coroplast

Day-to-day oper­a­tions at Coro­plast are high­ly tech­ni­cal and digital—but for Natal­ie Mekel­burg­er, cul­ture is an essen­tial part of the com­pa­ny. “Work should be a place not only of exer­tion but also of inspi­ra­tion,” she says. Which is why she pro­motes mod­ern art and has installed a spa­cious lounge with a fire­place, ter­race, and sofas on the top floor of com­pa­ny head­quar­ters, which is open to all employ­ees. “We think freely and open­ly here,” she says. Suc­cess bears her out.

The project with Porsche Consulting

Natalie Mekelburger worked with Porsche Consulting to create a new structure. Three core business units are now run by a holding company. “As much decentralization as possible, as much centralization as necessary” was the guiding principle.

A digital agenda was also worked out with the help of Porsche Consulting. It calls for transforming production into a smart factory and digitalizing work flows. “In five years we will be a paperless company,” she says. “That is the vision we are pursuing.”

Making Culinary Waves

Food prepa­ra­tion on the Anthem of the Seas, one of the world’s largest cruise lin­ers, is not only about taste and plea­sure, but also about com­mu­ni­ca­tion, pre­ci­sion, and per­for­mance. The near­ly 5,000 guests want superb cui­sine, so the forty-two chefs require flaw­less oper­a­tions. Roy­al Caribbean Cruis­es com­mis­sioned Porsche Con­sult­ing to help opti­mize the process­es below deck and behind the scenes. Auto­mo­tive pro­duc­tion served as a mod­el in many instances. For exam­ple, the first plate to receive its final gar­nish is the first to leave the galley—to be served quick­ly in the best qual­i­ty to the guest.

Everything under control: The kitchen manager ensures that everything runs smoothly. Photo: Porsche Consulting
Despite its size, it takes only a few hours to load the Anthem of the Seas. Photo: Porsche Consulting

“Guest satisfaction went through the roof. We are so much more efficient—far beyond what I would ever have expected.”

Ron Ness
Hotel Director, Anthem of the Seas, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
The Anthem of the Seas is one of the world’s largest cruise liners. Photo: Porsche Consulting
Chefs from many different countries work together in the ship’s galleys. Their shared language is food.Photo: Porsche Consulting
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